Only The Illiterate Trust Big Pharma

Did you know that more than 20 countries, including most of Europe, suspended the rollout of the Oxford AstraZenica vaccine due to thousands of fatal blood clots? Are you aware that the US Government’s official reporting system admits to more than 4,057 deaths and 118,902 adverse reactions directly associated with the experimental “vaccines”? Did you know that Europe has thus far reported 10,570 deaths and 405,259 injuries sustained from the jab? Did you know that many vaccinated people continue to test positive for the virus? Did you know that the Oxford AstraZeneca jab was developed with help from English eugenicists at the Galton Institute (formerly the UK Eugenics Society) and EngenderHealth (formerly the Sterilization League For Human Betterment)? Are you aware that more than 100,000 Doctors & Medical Professionals openly oppose the covid-19 vaccine? Have you noticed how Pfizer’s claim that their vaccine is 95% effective conceals the fact that said efficacy pertains to 1.23% of applicable test subjects during phase 3 trials? And did you know that Pharma conducted exactly zero safety studies regarding any of these jabs, and enjoys complete and total legal immunity from all litigation related to adverse effects that result from the ensuing experiment?

We all know many people who’ve been injected. Unfortunately, in many cases they’ve done so without studying the science in depth, reading any of Pfizer’s internal documents, carefully weighing potential benefits against known risks, or comparing alternatives in deciding whether this treatment was even necessary or right for them.

Quite the contrary.
It seems that the injection followed the influence of peer pressure, propaganda, and fear.

Because none of my “vaccinated” colleagues ever familiarized themselves with any of the animal studies (J&J; Oxford /AstraZeneca; Moderna mouse; Moderna primate; Pfizer mouse; Pfizer primate) that consistently resulted in hepatitis-induced liver damage, pulmonary immunopathology (severe inflammation of the lungs), Antibody Dependent Enhancement, and death.

None of my “vaccinated” friends seemed to notice when the CDC acknowledged the deaths of 4,863 Americans as a direct result of these experimental jabs (as of 30 May). It follows that few, if any, of my “vaccinated” acquaintances seem to think that Big Pharma might be up to their same old tricks, or that Pharma’s uniquely corrupt history of lawsuits and scandals represents the most infamous example of corporations gone wild.

It is not an “opinion” that Pfizer was charged $2.3 billion in the (then) largest healthcare fraud settlement in history to resolve criminal liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products in 2009. Pfizer plead guilty for misbranding Bextra, an anti-inflammatory drug that Pfizer pulled in 2005, with the intent to defraud or mislead. Pfizer agreed to pay an additional $1 billion to resolve allegations that the company illegally promoted four drugs – Bextra; Geodon; Zyvox, and Lyrica, and submitted false claims to government health care programs. Somehow they’re still allowed to continue doing business, unmolested by regulatory agencies. And somehow, a huge swath of the population seems blissfully unaware that Pfizer might even have a plan to profit handsomely from annual corona shots for years and decades to come.

As Stephen Goldfinger, chairman of the American Psychological Associations’s Committee on Commercial Support, once put it, “The pharmaceutical companies are an amoral bunch. They’re not a benevolent association. So they are highly unlikely to donate large amounts of money without strings attached. Once one is dancing with the devil, you don’t always get to call the steps of the dance.”

Martha Rosenberg’s recent Counterpunch piece titled, Pharma is willing to look “unscientific” to sell vaccines expands on this grim reality:

Pharma knows best” rings false with a quick look at withdrawn drugs like Vioxx, Bextra, Baycol, Trovan, Meridia, Darvon, Phen-Fen, Raxar and Seldane–all called safe when they were making millions…. Neither mainstream or progressive news sites want to acknowledge the existence of the federal National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) which, since 1988, has settled more than 16,000 claims and awarded $3.18 billion in injury settlements. … Mainstream scientists are the ones who are “unscientific.” The truth is not all vaccines are safe, life-saving or necessary and conflicts of interest do exist.

Even when corrupt officials have literally gone to jail, their “science” remains politely accepted by mainstream science. Scott Reuben published fraudulent research on Lyrica, Effexor, Celebrex and other drugs for Pharma. He went to prison for six months but the “science” behind the drugs he promoted stands. Richard Borison, former psychiatry chief at Augusta Veterans Affairs (VA) medical center and Medical College of Georgia, went to prison for 15 years for using clinical trials on veterans of the antipsychotic Seroquel to line his own pockets. The drug went on to earn billions and his for-profit “research” still stands.”

In September Forbes revealed that vaccine trials were rigged to succeed by deliberately testing for the wrong things:

One of the more immediate questions a trial needs to answer is whether a vaccine prevents infection. If someone takes this vaccine, are they far less likely to become infected with the virus? These trials all clearly focus on eliminating symptoms of Covid-19, and not infections themselves. Asymptomatic infection is listed as a secondary objective in these trials when they should be of critical importance. It appears that all the pharmaceutical companies assume that the vaccine will never prevent infection. Their criteria for approval is the difference in symptoms between an infected control group and an infected vaccine group. They do not measure the difference between infection and noninfection as a primary motivation.”

Former Editor-In-Chief of the New England Journal Of Medicine, Dr. Marcia Angell, was one of Time’s 25 most influential Americans in 1997, and won the George Polk Award for magazine reporting in 2002. Her 2009 review, Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption,” included a sobering statement regarding so-called “clinical research”:

It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”

Angell’s position at the NEJM provided a front-row seat to the growing corruption of the pharmaceutical industry and provided all the evidence she needed for her 2004 book, The Truth About The Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us And What To Do About It, which further corroborates the rigging of clinical tests to favor the industry:

“Researchers don’t control clinical trials anymore; sponsors do. … The doctors are not themselves trained researchers, so they simply do what they are told—or risk losing their lucrative deals with the contractors. The contract research organizations, in turn, answer only to big pharma. That means the drug companies have nearly total control over these trials. As a result, drug companies now design clinical trials to be carried out by researchers who are little more than hired hands—whether the trials are in academic centers or in physicians’ offices. … Not surprisingly, bias is now rampant in drug trials. A recent survey found that industry-sponsored research was nearly four times as likely to be favorable to the company’s product as NIH-sponsored research. That is in accord with a large body of evidence showing that researchers with industry connections are far more likely to favor company products. In the case of calcium channel blockers like Norvasc, for instance, one survey of seventy articles about their safety found that 96 percent of authors who were supportive of the drugs had financial ties to the companies that made them, whereas only 37 percent of authors who were critical had such ties.” (Angell, 107)


As reported by the Montana Free Press this March, “At least four people have died at a COVID-19 outbreak at a long-term care facility in Livingston that started after most residents had received at least the first dose of the vaccine.”

A similar scenario continues repeating countless times around the world in 2021.

Bill Maher and 8 New York Yankees tested positive for covid despite being “fully vaccinated”. More than 12,400 Israeli residents tested positive after vaccination. In Ireland nine nursing home residents died of COVID despite being mRNA “vaccinated”. Dozens of Floridians contracted the illness after being fully vaccinated from it. Another four people in Oregon tested positive after receiving both doses. More than 140 people in Houston tested positive following the jab. In March a new outbreak occurred at the Cottonwoods Care Centre of British Columbia after it was confirmed that 82 percent of their residents had been vaccinated as of February. By mid April the CDC finally had to admit to 5,800 vaccinated people becoming infected, 74 of whom have died so far. A nursing home in Auburn, New York reported zero Coronavirus deaths until vaccinations killed 24 residents in under two weeks. Finally, 2 nuns died at a monastery this February following their experimental mRNA shots, with 28 of the total 35 nuns testing “positive.”

America’s Frontline Doctors published a video by Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD, MSc, BSc, who analyzed the VAERS database, concluding that, “vaccines are likely the cause of reported deaths, spontaneous abortions, and anaphylactic reactions in addition to cardiovascular, neurological and immunological adverse effects.” According to Dr. Rose, 6% of all the breakthrough cases have resulted in death, “breakthrough” meaning people who get infected after being fully “vaccinated” against Sars-Cov-2 infection. This seems ironic given that people are taking these jabs in the pursuit of preventing death. According to Newsweek, the CDC now admits to over 10,000 breakthrough infections as of 30 April 2021.

Fully vaccinated” people testing positive begs the question, How do benefits of this experimental protocol outweigh the risks?

From Wired:

The problem is, a Covid-19 vaccine that only prevents illness—which is to say, symptoms—might not prevent infection with the virus or transmission of it to other people. Worst case, a vaccinated person could still be an asymptomatic carrier.”

It should also point, at least partially, to the high rate of failure associated with covid testing apparatuses, which emerged as a stubborn problem from the first day of the 2020 global panic.

Firstly, to say that someone or something “tested positive for covid” is not only medically dishonest, but also grammatically meaningless, due to the dysmal track record of a faulty testing apparatus that was never designed as a diagnostic tool (as espoused by it’s inventor, Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for creating Polymerase Chain Reaction technology and died suddenly right before the pandemic broke out). PCR tests are scientifically meaningless because the technology is designed to replicate DNA sequences, not test for coronavirus infections. PCR tests cannot distinguish between “live” viruses and inactive viral particles, and therefore cannot be used as a diagnostic tool. Thus “covid” becomes the umbrella label for PCR “positive” regardless of clinical presentation. It’s all theater based on computer models and appeal to authority.

NPR outlined the PCR’s false positives in June of 2020, admitting the FDA’s own fact sheet on testing acknowledges false positives (as does the CDC fact sheet). This is why Coca Cola Tested Positive In Austrian Parliament, why Erykah Badu’s covid tests came up positive in the left nostril, negative in the right (as did Elon Musk’s), and why courts in Austria, Portugal, Germany and the Netherlands have ruled that PCR tests are not suitable for COVID-19 diagnosis. Tanzanian President John Magufuli proved that a pawpaw fruit can come back positive on a PCR test. Even the WHO finally admitted that PCR tests are virtually meaningless.

Next, the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA jabs are not, by legal definition, “vaccines” at all. Johnny Vedmore at Unlimited Hangout details exactly why it’s so problematic to refer to these experimental jabs as “vaccines”:

Many of the pharmaceutical companies researching potential coronavirus vaccines are using old methods. They take a proverbial pinch of the virus and infect your immune system at a very low and slow rate, allowing your body the time it needs to build up a natural immunological resistance to the illness. But developing those types of vaccines is a slow and arduous process, and the pharmaceutical companies using a radical new method that has never been tried before.

A vaccine provides immunity to a disease. This does not provide immunity to anything, nor does it protect others from transmission. In an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Doctors Rubin and Longo both conclude:

No existing vaccines have been shown to be effective against infection with any betacoronavirus, the family that includes SARS-CoV-2, which causes Covid-19.”

Other high priests of “science” have also confessed that it doesn’t prevent you spreading the virus. As further evidenced by the 246 fully vaccinated Michiganders who contracted COVID, the effect of any of the covid vaccines on disease transmission seems a known unknown. We’re now learning that those who took the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine are 8 times more likely to contract the new South African variant of COVID-19 than the unvaccinated, according to Mathew Maavac at Activist Post:

Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at Yale University, has estimated that over 60 percent of all new COVID-19 cases seem to occur among the “vaccinated.”

This March Reuters likewise acknowledged that rushed vaccines pose a serious risk of “immune enhancement,” whereby people who get the vaccine can actually get a worse reaction to the virus.

None of this comes as much of a surprise to those paying close attention, as the industry never claimed their jabs would protect anyone from the virus. In fact, Moderna describes the technology as the “software of life,” not a vaccine. Likewise, Pfizer’s medical literature refers to it as patented “Genetic Chemotherapy” for cancer treatment that does not result in immunity from coronaviruses.


Canadian entrepreneur and activist Sadaf Gilani published a risk-benefit analysis of synthetic mRNA covid vaccines that clearly explains the mechanisms of mRNA technology to the layperson:

Both thePfizer/BioNtech as well as the Moderna injection employ the same technology: synthetic gene therapy (SGT), which is being dispensed to the populace for the first time in human history. Medications are given to sick people to treat disease. Vaccines are given to healthy people to prevent an infection. Therefore consideration of risk-benefit analysis is paramount. … The Covid synthetic gene therapy injections employ synthetic, thermostable nucleotide sequences which are wrapped in a PEG (polyethylene glycol)-lipid nanoparticles to protect from destruction in the bloodstream and facilitate entry into the cells. The claim is that the cellular machinery will engage with these synthetic sequences and produce segments which code for the SarsCov2 S1 spike protein. It is believed that the immune system will mount a sufficient antibody response.”

The piece quotes a staff writer for Forbes who warned in a video last March that, “They are going to hack the cells in your body in order to make them into drug factories.” Indeed, Pfizer’s own studies confirm the creation of said “drug factories” may threaten to expose unvaccinated people through a phenomenon now colloquially referred to as “shedding”. And as the Montana Daily Gazette reported this April, there is already precedent of this occurring with unvaccinated women reporting miscarriages and painful, irregular menstrual cycles following interactions with vaccinated people.

He continues:

The fact that mRNA technologies alter the function of your DNA in your body has made many people suspicious of what unexpected horrors could arise through mass use of this experimental protocol. … Because this vaccine protects individuals in their response, there is no good reason why everybody in our society should be forced to take it. It is used to increase specific protein production in someone who’s at severe risk—that’s how a medicine works normally. You don’t take HIV medication if you don’t have HIV. You shouldn’t be taking cancer drugs unless you have cancer. And you shouldn’t need to change your DNA’s production of specific proteins unless it’s personally necessary to do so.”

This all corroborates what Dr. David Martin has emphasized for over a year: that this technology does not meet the definition of a traditional vaccine, that the trials do not test for reduction in transmission, and that these therapies do not prevent infection, merely reduction of one or more symptoms.


The Pfizer vaccine trial included nearly 44,000 people, half of whom received placebo and half of whom were jabbed; of the 170 who became ‘infected with Covid,’ 162 of them were in the placebo group; only 8 were vaccinated. The vaccine is therefore credited with preventing 154 cases of Covid19…or 95%. You don’t need to be an epidemiologist to understand the fatal flaw in this reasoning. The entire trial of 44,000 people is deemed a success based on the potentially multi-variant outcome from less than 4% of those involved.

Moderna makes a similar claim about their experimental mRNA jab, touting 94% efficacy. But when it comes to drug advertising, the word “effective” does not mean what you think it means: Based on the phase 3 trial data, the Pfizer vaccine is 95% effective, but only 1% of the time. In the same way, the Moderna vaccine is 94% effective, but only 2% of the time.

Thomas Neuburger further explains this statistical fallacy with regards to Moderna’s trials:

In the Moderna vaccinated group, 11 people out of 15,000 got the virus for an overall infection rate of 0.07%. In the Moderna placebo group, 185 people of 15,000 got the virus, for an overall infection rate of 1.23%. And if you divide 0.07% by 1.23%, you get a 5.7% infection rate — or inversely, a 94% protection rate, which is what they’re claiming. But that’s a percentage of a percentage, a ratio of a ratio, something called the “relative rate” in the medical profession. What this really means is that, of the 1.23% of people who would have gotten the virus in the vaccinated group, 94% of them didn’t. But Moderna isn’t testing 30,000 people who are infected with the virus, or even 15,000 people. Only 185 people “got the virus” in the placebo group. That population was reduced to 11 people with vaccination. So the Moderna vaccine is 94% effective — but only 1.23% of the time.”

Dr. Angell revealed how routine this kind of statistical dishonesty is within the industry:

First, faux research yields a faux answer to a clinical question. Then faux education assures that doctors everywhere hear about it, so they can write millions of prescriptions based on the faux information. Bribes and kickbacks sometimes grease the skids. … I find it hard to imagine that a system this corrupt can be a good thing, or that it is worth the vast amounts of money spent on it. But in addition, we have to ask whether it really is a net benefit to the public to be taking so many drugs. Doctors have been taught only too well by the pharmaceutical industry, and what they have been taught is to reach for a prescription pad. Add to that the fact that most doctors are under great time pressure because of the demands of managed care, and they reach for that pad very quickly. Patients have also been well taught by the pharmaceutical industry’s advertising. They have been taught that if they don’t leave the doctor’s office with a prescription, the doctor is not doing a good job. The result is that too many people end up taking drugs when there may be better ways to deal with their problems.” (Angell, 169)


Dr. Angell describes Big Pharma as an industry perpetually inundated by a “tidal wave of government investigations and civil and criminal lawsuits”:

“The litany of charges includes illegally overcharging Medicaid and Medicare, paying kickbacks to doctors, engaging in anticompetitive practices, colluding with generic companies to keep generic drugs off the market, illegally promoting drugs for unapproved uses, engaging in misleading direct-to-consumer advertising, and, of course, covering up evidence. Some of the settlements have been huge. TAP Pharmaceuticals, for instance, paid $875 million to settle civil and criminal charges of Medicaid and Medicare fraud in the marketing of its prostate cancer drug, Lupron.” (Angell, 18)

Through Medicare and Medicaid, the federal government now offers Texas doctors double the normal reimbursement per vaccine for every experimental shot they administer. The shots are “free” to the patients. But these kinds of cash incentives are nothing new for the pharmaceutical industry. In July of 2020 the U.S. Justice Department announced a $678 million settlement with Novartis over improper inducements made to doctors. Novartis sales representative Oswald Bilotta became a whilstleblower in the case after wearing a wire to record evidence of doctors taking cash bribes from the Swiss pharmaceutical giant in exchange for prescribing their drugs. Bernstein market analyst Ronny Gal predicted covid “vaccine” sales would reach $40 billion this year.

Dr. Angell reminds us that Pharma has been bribing doctors for decades:

Gifts to doctors are often lavish. Doctors can pretty much count on being taken to dinner in fine restaurants whenever they want; there company-selected experts sometimes give talks. But there are also other expensive gifts. An editorial in USA Today painted a vivid but all too accurate picture: “Christmas trees. Free tickets to a Washington Redskins game, with a champagne reception thrown in. A family vacation in Hawaii. And wads of cash. Such gifts would trigger a big red ‘bribery’ alert in the mind of just about any public official or government contractor. But not, it seems, in the minds of many doctors. They have been raking in jaw-dropping gifts from pharmaceutical firms battling to give their products an edge in an increasingly competitive market.” (128)


According to the U.S. government, these experimental jabs thus far have killed more people than died in 9/11, and the anecdotal evidence continues to pile up into a statistically significant heap. As early as December 2020 the CDC was forced to respond to more than 3,000 negatively affected vaccine subjects. Then California halted Moderna vaccinations in January due to an “unusually high number” of adverse reactions.

Italian authorities launched a manslaughter investigation against AstraZeneca for their covid vaccine following the death of Sandro Tognatti, a 57-year-old music teacher from Biella, Italy. Tognatti died just hours after receiving the AstraZeneca jab on 14 March 2021. In an equally horrific example, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that 18-year-old Emma Burkey underwent three brain surgeries related to dangerous blood clots after receiving the Johnson & Johnson injection.

Norwegian medical professor Pål Andre Holme warned at a press conference in March that the AstraZeneca jab caused fatal blood clots after investigating the adverse reactions experienced by three fellow healthcare workers. That same month vaccine-related blood clots killed 9 in Germany, prompting the country to halt the rollout of the AstraZeneca experiment.

By April, Europe’s top pharmaceutical regulator finally acknowledged the link between rare blood clots and the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab, but only after Australia’s deputy chief medical officer, Michael Kidd, acknowledged that there was, in fact, a connection. The United Kingdom joins other researchers throughout Europe who insist there is evidence that these shots cause fatal blood clots after acknowledging more than 2 dozen new cases of the rare clots with 9 proving fatal.

Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommended a halt of the AstraZeneca shots following concerns about blood clots and vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia (VIPIT), citing 2,530 individual reports of adverse events following “vaccination,” including 24 deaths. By early April Georgia authorities suspended the J&J rollout after 8 people experienced adverse reactions. Soon thereafter, the FDA recommended J&J pause their experimental covid shot, “out of an abundance of caution.” In May, French doctor Gérard Delépine declared the evidence is overwhelming that deaths and infections have “exploded” since the rollout of experimental covid injections.

Even the NIH expressed that they were ‘very concerned’ about side effects in the vaccine trials. And it turns out that fatal blood clots are a problem across the board for all of these injections, including the mRNA shots pushed in the states. But it seems that no matter how much evidence mounts, the scientific truism that “correlation is not necessarily causation” will be inappropriately repeated by true believers and propagandists until the cows come home.

Nevertheless, tragic evidence continues to mount at a frightening rate:

  • Rap star DMX (Earl Simmons) died on 09 April 2021 of a fatal heart attack following his dose of the experimental jab, according to a family member, that has since been reported as an alleged “drug overdose”.
  • Rock and Roll legend Eric Clapton wrote in regret after his vaccination: “I suffer with peripheral neuropathy and should never have gone near the needle. But the propaganda said the vaccine was safe for everyone.”
  • Boxing Champion “Marvelous” Marvin Hagler died on 13 March 2021 following a nasty battle with “side effects” following his dose of the experimental covid “Vaccine”.
  • Bill Shakespeare, the first man in the UK to receive the experiment, died of ‘unrelated illness’ 5 months after receiving the Pfizer jab.
  • Israeli fashion icon Alber Elbazdied on 24 April 2021 at the age of 59 after getting “fully vaccinated” for covid.
  • Baseball legend Hank Aaron received an experimental Moderna mRNA injection 2 weeks before his death at the age of 86.
  • MSNBC’s Legal Analyst, 47-year-old Midwin Charles, was announced dead on 06 April 2021, thirty-seven days after receiving an experimental mRNA shot for covid.
  • Dr. Thomas Flanigan was a 48-Year-Old plastic surgeon from Toledo, Ohio who died on 27 April 2021, 11 weeks after his second Moderna shot on 03 February 2021.
  • Dan Kaminsky was a 42-year-old cybersecurity expert who died on 23 April 2021 less than two weeks after being injected with a COVID shot on 12 April 2021.
  • Baldwin Hills’ Star Ashley Taylor Gerren died on 18 April 2021 at the age of 30 after receiving the experimental jab.
  • 16-Year-Old Kamrynn Soleil Thomas of Waunakee, Wisconsin died on 30 March 2021 of “persistent cardiac arrest requiring ECMO,” “believed secondary to pulmonary embolism,” following 2 doses of the Pfizer jab.
  • Brad Malagarie was a 43-Year-Old father of 7 in St. Martin Mississippi who suffered a stroke and became paralyzed immediately after getting a Johnson and Johnson COVID shot on 13 April 2021.
  • Benjamin Goodman of Chelsea, New York, died on 14 March 2021 the day after received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on March 13.
  • Desirée Penrod was a 25-year-old educator from Connecticut who died on 17 March 2021 one week after her Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot.
  • Joshimar Henry was a 27-year-old resident doctor who died on 03 April 2021 three months after being among the first Chicago residents to get the initial dose of Pfizer’s experimental mRNA shot on December 15, 2020.
  • Sonia Azevedo, a 41-year-old Portuguese mother of two and surgical assistant at the Instituto Portugues de Oncologia, was found dead on new year’s day just two days after receiving the Pfizer jab.
  • John Francis Foley was a 21-year-old National Honor Society pre-med student at the University of Cincinnati who died on 10 April 2021 hours after receiving the Johnson & Johnson COVID jab.
  • Rachel McKinney, a 35-Year-Old UK nurse and mother of 2, died on 03 April 2021 following her dose of the experimental Pfizer jab.
  • Luke Garrett was a 20-Year-Old Scottish Man who suffered a fatal seizure and died on 09 February 2021 just 12 hours after being injected with the experimental Pfizer mRNA jab.
  • Dr. Haley Link Brinkmeyer was a 28-Year-Old PhD Physical Therapist who died on 21 January 2021 only 2 days after being injected with the experimental mRNA technology.
  • Dr. Kimberly Credit was the first female pastor at the Mount Zion Baptist Church in Boonton Township, New Jersey, died on 05 April 2021 at the age of 44 after taking the Moderna COVID shot.
  • Sara Stickles was another 28-year-old healthcare worker from Beloit, Wisconsin who died on 11 February 2021 from a ruptured brain aneurysm following her second dose of the Pfizer mRNA shot.
  • Kassidi Kurill was a 39-year-old surgical technician from Ogden, Utah who died 4 days after the second Moderna mRNA shot on 05 February 2021.
  • Virginia Ellington was a North Carolina college professor at Appalachian State University who died of a stroke on 10 March 2021 just 48 hours after receiving the experimental Johnson & Johnson injection.
  • Detroit’s CBS news anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels died suddenly on 09 February 2021 only one day after being injected with the experimental mRNA shot.
  • Dr. Witold Rogiewicz mocked anti-vaxxers in a video he taped of himself submitting to the experimental jab before dying days later on 14 February 2021.
  • Kansas City Council Woman Jeanie Marie Evans died on 24 March 2021 just hours after receiving the experimental COVID injection.
  • Augusta Turiaco was another Italian music teacher who died on 31 March 2021 following the administration of the AstraZeneca experiment on 11 March.
  • Ilaria Pappa was a 31-Year-Old Italian professor who died on 16 March 2021, two weeks after receiving the experimental AstraZeneca injection.
  • 37-year-old Zelia Guzzo was another Italian professor who died on 23 March 2021 of a thromboembolism (blood clots) three weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca injection.
  • Science professor Cinzia Pennino, also of Italy, died on 25 March 2021 following administration of AstraZeneca jab on 17 March.
  • Shirel Hilel was a 22-year-old Israeli girl who died from myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) two weeks after receiving her second dose of the experimental mRNA Pfizer injection.
  • Brandy Parker-McFadden of Nashville, mother of three, received her second Pfizer COVID shot on 16 April 2021 and hours later succumbed to catastrophic pain and soon became paralyzed, still unable to walk.
  • Dr. Gregory Michael, 56, developed a rare autoimmune disorder three days after receiving the Pfizer jab on 21 December 2020 and subsequently died on 03 January 2021.
  • Tim Zook’s health went into a sharp decline 2.5 hours after receiving his second shot and he was eventually transferred to the University of California, Irvine Medical Center where he died on 09 January.
  • Lisa Basiuk-Stonehouse, 50, passed away May 3, 2021 from a stroke caused by blood clots after receiving her AstraZeneca vaccine in Canada.
  • John Medved, a 58-year-old from Hibbing, Minnesota, received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on 1 April 2021 and died 21 days later from a pulmonary embolism (blood clots in his lungs).
  • Griselda Flores, 61, from Santa Ana, California was found dead by her family just two days after her second shot on 14 April 2021.
  • Megi Bakradze was a 27-Year-Old Nurse from Georgia who died the day after receiving an experimental shot of AstraZeneca on 19 March 2021.
  • An unidentified elderly man collapsed and died in Manhattan on 07 February 2021 only 25 minutes after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination at the Javits Center, according to a statement from New York state health commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker, who cynically added, “I encourage all eligible New Yorkers to get vaccinated.”
  • James Develon is a Certified Nursing Assistant who reports that very few residents in the nursing home where he works got sick with COVID and none of them died during the entire year of 2020 until shortly after administering experimental mRNA Pfizer jabs whereupon 14 residents died within two weeks with many others near death.
  • Raam Laxman was a 78-year old Bollywood music composer from India who died 6 days after his second AstraZeneca “Covishield” shot.
  • Jeanie Evans of Effingham, Illinois began to experience anaphylaxis following her dose of the experimental shot, and was taken to a hospital in Kansas where she later died on 24 March 2021.
  • Dana Ottmann, a 32-year-old German psychologist, developed blood clots and died 12 days after receiving the AstraZeneca shot.
  • Ronald Babb, Sr. was a 57-Year-Old from Syracuse who openly mocked so-called “anti-vaxxers,” after receiving the J&J jab on 12 April 2021 and subsequently died seven days later.
  • Clive Haddon of Australia died of fatal blood clots after receiving his AstraZeneca jab on the first of May.
  • Anthony Nguyen Kha Huy was a 45-year-old father of two from California who submitted to experimental injection on 20 April 2021 and died 10 days later of fatal blood clots.
  • NaTalia Johnson, a 37-year-old professional ballerina, died two weeks after injection.
  • Haziq Kamaruddin was a 27-year-old Olympic archer from Malaysia who died 10 days after his second Pfizer shot after developing fatal blood clots.
  • 26-year old Chance “Florexic” Sula died 2 weeks after his first Moderna dose from blood clots that led to a seizure and then a heart attack.

While the individual accounts of young, healthy adults dying post jab seems particularly concerning, the nursing home death statistics following vaccination may be even more grim. 22 nursing home residents in the Netherlands died 1 week after getting injected with the experimental mRNA COVID jab; 12 Welsh nursing home residents died in February after receiving their first COVID vaccine; 9 Irish nursing home residents died in March of “covid” after being mRNA “Vaccinated”; and 8 German nursing home residents died after being forcibly injected with the Pfizer experimental mRNA shot against their will.

This all begs another question…


While Biden and CNN urge us to participate in the experiment as a matter of moral and civic duty, the growing list of adverse effects rippling through the participants goes completely ignored.

The Israeli People’s Committee report on deaths and injuries from experimental Pfizer shots concludes that never before has a “vaccine” injured so many, citing a 22% increase in overall mortality since the roll out began, with a high correlation between the number of people vaccinated per day and the number of deaths per day. Likewise the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo have both suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s Vaxzevria jab in pregnant women following the death of a woman who received the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab. Then in May Sweden’s Medical Products Agency admitted to 31,844 reports of adverse reactions linked to its vaccine rollout.

A mainstream correspondent interviewing Bill Gates for CBS seemed flabbergasted when Gates shrugged off credible reports of side effects as no big deal. When the anchor pressed him again on the safety of the vaccine, his answer appeared to be simply, trust us.

Gates was asked, “Side effects from the Moderna vaccine sound concerning… We looked. After the second dose at least 80% of participants experienced a systemic side effect, ranging from severe chills to fevers. So are these vaccines safe?

Gates responded: “The FDA, not being pressured, will look hard at that. The FDA is the gold standard of regulators, and their current guidance on this — if they stick with that — is very very appropriate.”

But as Bloomberg reported in September 2020, it didn’t take long for Gates to turn on the FDA (and even the CDC) for political reasons. Beyond that, the FDA’s standards aren’t nearly as sterling as Gates might have us believe. As Dr. Angell explains:

The FDA may approve the drug on the basis of minimal evidence. For example, the agency usually requires simply that the drug work better than a placebo in two clinical trials, even if it doesn’t in other trials. But companies publish only the positive results, not the negative ones. Often, in fact, they publish positive results more than once, in slightly different forms in different journals. The FDA has no control over this selective publishing. The practice leads doctors to believe that drugs are much better than they are, and the public comes to share this belief, on the basis of media reports. There is a general inflation in the notion of the good that drugs can do (and a deflation in concern about side effects).” (Angell, 111)

Although quick to approve drugs, the FDA is slow to take them off the market when they prove dangerous. For instance, in 1997 Warner-Lambert’s diabetes drug Rezulin was taken off the market in Britain because it caused liver failure, but it was not removed from the market in the United States until two and a half years later, by which time it had caused at least sixty-three deaths. (Angell, 209)

Congress also put the FDA on the pharmaceutical industry’s payroll. In 1992, it enacted the Prescription Drug User Fee Act, which authorized drug companies to pay user fees to the FDA. These were to be employed only to expedite approval of drugs. Fees originally amounted to about $310,000 per new drug application and soon accounted for about half the budget of the agency’s drug evaluation center. That makes the FDA dependent on an industry it regulates. For the drug companies, the user fees are chump change—more than offset by the added income from getting to market sooner. … Members of FDA advisory committees are said to command unusually high consulting fees from drug companies. They are certainly in a strong position to do so. They probably don’t even have to say, “Pay me if you want your drugs approved.” According to the Washington Times reporter August Gribbin, “One drug company executive who asked not to be identified referred to the advisory committee members’ approaches for obtaining [consulting] work as ‘shakedowns’ because a company that refused to yield to such requests could doom products that cost tens of millions of dollars to develop.” (Angell, 211)

2020 provided a great example of this when the FDA ordered the heartburn drug Zantac off the shelves due to cancer risk after it was “discovered” that the active ingredient in Snofi’s Zantac and its equivalents, Ranitidine, was found to be contaminated with NDMA (N-Nitrosodimethylamine), a probable carcinogen.

But one of the most shocking instances of industry malfeasance occurred over three decades ago when thousands of haemophilia patients contracted HIV and hepatitis from Bayer’s contaminated blood products. The National Center for Biotechnology Information reported the legal action taken against Bayer, and found that by 1992 the contaminated products had infected at least 5,000 haemophiliac people in Europe with HIV with more than 2,000 developing AIDS, and an additional 4,000 Japanese cases of haemophiliacs contracting AIDS.

Interestingly, a group of researchers at The Lancet medical journal warned last year that some of the covid vaccines could increase the risk of acquiring HIV, according to Forbes. And sure enough several Australian vaccine trial participants tested positive for HIV in December 2020, prompting the Australian government to in-turn scrap a billion dollar coronavirus vaccine agreement worth 51 million doses. The announcement came just days after FDA documents revealed that 6 participants died during Pfizer’s COVID vaccine trials. Participants were dying in trials from the very beginning, but the media rarely reported on stories like the volunteer who died on 15 October 2020 in AstraZeneca’s initial trials. This May the CDC reported 2 more infant deaths following clinical trials; a two-year-old dying in a Pfizer trial, and a one-year-old dying in a Moderna trial.

Bill Gates (who is now America’s top farmland owner and recently attempted to literally block out the sun) candidly admitted that vaccines constitute his ‘best investment’ after he turned $10 billion of “philanthropy” into $200 billion in profits. But there are more than just dollar signs motivating Bill Gates’s decree that three jabs would be necessary, or J&J CEO Alex Gorsky’s allegation that people may need an additional booster every twelve months in perpetuity after that.


When the Pfizer jab was first approved for emergency use in the United Kingdom, the English government warned that pregnant women should not take Pfizer’s vaccine, adding that,women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.” In its own clinical trial reports, Pfizer admits that women who are pregnant or wish to become pregnant should not take the shots (page 38).

Perhaps this is why unvaccinated women have began reporting miscarriages as well as heavier, more painful and increasingly irregular menstrual cycles after interacting with vaccinated people. There are even reports of post-menopausal women all of a sudden menstruating again.

Though the media have done a good job ignoring it, a startling number of women have lost a baby as a result of a covid jab. Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce suffered a painful miscarriage just days after receiving her mRNA jab, and Mary Pat Voll, a pediatric nurse from Altamonte Springs, Florida, bragged about getting jabbed just eight days before her baby was pronounced stillborn. No wonder Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon filed a petition with the European Medicines Agency (EMA), warning that “vaccines could cause permanent infertility”. EMA animal trial analysis reveals that Pfizer’s fact sheets state pregnant or breastfeeding women should “discuss options with healthcare providers” before taking the covid jab, citing miscarriage as the most common adverse event reported by pregnant women who received the 2009 H1N1 vaccine.

Given that these vaccine companies are tied up with known eugenicists, maybe miscarriages and infertility aren’t such strange anomalies after all. As Whitney Webb explains in her expose, Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement, sterilization seems to be more of a deliberate feature than an accidental bug:

Yet, arguably most troubling of all is the direct link of the vaccine’s lead developers to the Wellcome Trust and, in the case of Adrian Hill, the Galton Institute, two groups with longstanding ties to the UK Eugenics movement. The latter organization, named for the “father of eugenics” Francis Galton, is the re-named UK Eugenics Society, a group notorious for its promotion of racist pseudoscience and efforts to “improve racial stock” by reducing the population of those deemed inferior for over a century….Formerly named the Sterilization League for Human Betterment, EngenderHealth’s original mission, inspired by racial eugenics, was to “improve the biological stock of the human race.”

Mr. Bill Gates’s own ties to eugenics help explain his numerous public pleas to “reduce population growth” by 10–15% through vaccination. And the track record of his foundation reflects this. Last year the UN was forced to admit that a Gates-funded vaccine caused a polio outbreak in Africa, adding to a long history of deadly “investments”.


What all of these drug companies have in common is a long and gruesome history of causing mass carnage with so-called wonder drugs. But of all the companies developing experimental jabs this year, Johnson and Johnson’s rap sheet appears among the most scandalous.

Last autumn, for instance, Johnson and Johnson was ordered to pay $5 billion in total settlements as part of a gigantic $48 billion deal, after more than 2,000 lawsuits alleged that the company contributed to the opioid crisis by overselling the benefits of its painkillers. The judge ruled that J&J distributed “false, misleading, and dangerous marketing campaigns” for opioids that led to “exponentially increasing rates of addiction” and overdose deaths.” But that’s just the tip of J&J’s criminal history iceberg.

In 1995 J&J paid $7.5 million for destroying documents to cover up an investigation into wrongful marketing of its Retin-A acne cream to remove wrinkles. In 2000 J&J’s subsidiary LifeScan paid $105 million for selling defective blood glucose monitors and failed to inform the FDA. In 2001 J&J paid $860 million in a class action lawsuit for misleading customers about its 1-Day Acuvue soft contact lens. In 2010 J&J paid $81 million for misbranding its anti-epileptic drug Topamax to treat psychiatric disorders and hiring outside physicians to join its sales force to promote the drug for unapproved conditions. In 2011 J&J paid $70 million for conspiracy after paying off Greek doctors to advance its product sales. That same year J&J paid $85 million for similar charges against its heart drug Natrecor. Several of J&J’s baby products were discovered to contain carcinogenic ingredients. J&J would later pay $127 million in damages for the talc in its J&J Baby Powder causing ovarian cancer (court documents later revealed that J&J themselves suspected a link between talcum and ovarian cancer as far back as the 1970s). In 2013 J&J paid nearly $2.5 billion to compensate 8,000 recipients for its flawed hip implants, and another $1 billion in 2016 for the same reason. When J&J’s Motrin IB caplets were discovered to not properly dissolve, they hired outside contractors to buy up store supplies in order to avoid making public declaration. The following year J&J was charged $2.2 billion in criminal fines after forty-five US states filed civil lawsuits, not only because the antipsychotic drug Risperdal caused men to grow breasts, but also for marking its autism drug for unapproved uses. By 2019 J&J were under criminal investigation by federal authorities for concealing the cancer risks of their name-brand baby powder (Talcum powder is procured from pure talc, which grows along with asbestos in the veins of the earth).

This is not a company with a clean ethical record. Yet, some seem eager for J&J’s “one shot and you’re done” adenovirus-based vaccine. While it is true that Johnson and Johnson have paid billions in criminal settlements, they have absolutely no experience in the vaccine department.

Comparing this track record with other drug companies, we can say that as bad as J&J’s history is, at least they have a product history; Moderna has never successfully brought a product to market before now.


Congressman Lloyd Doggett of Texas, who proved an outspoken voice on the subject of pandemic profiteering, stated that, “The power of the industry combined with fear is driving extraordinary spending. It all suggests rosy times ahead for the pharmaceutical industry.” As though on cue, Pfizer’s CEO, Albert Bourla, sold off 62 percent of his stock the same day his company publicly declared their experimental jab 90% effective. What a coincidence.

California Governor Gavin Newsom likewise provided a window into the ugly business of pandemic profiteering when he gave Blue Shield a $15 million no-bid contract to manage California’s vaccination efforts, after Blue Shield reportedly contributed almost $23 million to the Democratic governor’s campaigns, also resulting in nominations of Blue Shield executives to positions of power by the governor (such as Blue Shield CEO Paul Markovich who was appointed “to help steer the state’s COVID testing strategy”).

And the news that taxpayers will enjoy the privilege of footing the bill for all of this arrives as music to Pharma’s ears. According to Ellen Brown, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has already agreed to provide up to $1.2 billion to AstraZeneca and another $483 million to Moderna to develop their experimental technologies. Writing for Forbes, William Haseltine argues that American taxpayers are justified in asking “why?”

Both companies have attracted billions from private investors and don’t need taxpayer money, and the government’s speculative bets are being made on unproven technologies in the early stages of testing. The profits will go to the companies and their shareholders, while the liabilities will be borne by the public. Vaccine manufacturers are protected from liability for vaccine injuries by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and the 2005 PREP Act, which impose damages instead on the US government and US taxpayers.”

As CNBC likewise reported:

The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.” Dallas labor and employment attorney Rogge Dunn was keen to note that, “It is very rare for a blanket immunity law to be passed.”

The tactics employed to sell this jab feel reminiscent of the those used by Monsanto and the tobacco companies in years past. Because of the lawsuits that followed the frenzied vaccine rollout pushed in the 1970’s, Pharma’s liability exclusion exists under the legal presumption that mRNA gene therapy is a “vaccine” instead of what it actually is.

“Drug companies are in business to sell drugs. Period. They are exactly the wrong people to evaluate the products they sell. I am not saying that all of the information drug companies provide to doctors is false. Some of it is useful and valid. But information from companies comes mixed with hyperbole, bias, and misinformation, and there is often no way to tell which is which.(Angell, 250)

The media profited handsomely from this mess as well. CNN technical director Charlie Chester inadvertently revealed the true mindset and motivations of his network in a series of videos wherein he admitted that the panic was “gangbusters” for ratings. He divulged that his coverage relied heavily on scare tactics and fear-mongering to keep people watching, explaining the ever-present death toll burned onto the corner of our screens 24/7. Chester even admits that he sometimes wished for the death toll to be higher during the panic of 2020 to help “drive the point home” with viewers. If ever CNN producers removed the statistic counter from the screen, the red “batphone” would ring with a call from network president Jeff Zucker demanding to bring it back. Because ratings mean profits, and profits mean everything.

Dr. Angell’s concluding chapter affirms that industry always favors profits over all considerations:

“Even granting the possibility that some individuals may respond very differently to these drugs, does that justify accepting a greatly increased risk of heart attacks and strokes? Since those who most need pain relievers for arthritis are precisely those older people most vulnerable to cardiovascular disease, the drugs have probably caused tens of thousands of heart attacks and strokes among the millions of people who have taken them regularly. That is a tremendous carnage to balance against the dubious proposition that the drugs offer something unique for pain relief. It is the FDA’s job to see that the benefits of prescription drugs outweigh the risks. It seems clear to me that the agency failed to do so in this case.” (Angell, 276)


Of all the adverse effects experienced by test subjects, the vaccine seems to also cause a violent allergic reaction to information about the vaccine, especially among those who read the Associated Press, listen to NPR, and watch MSNBC for information. While many express so-called “vaccine hesitancy” in 2021 (including a majority of US military service personnel and a “startlingly high percentage of health care professionals”) the fact remains that one third of Americans expressed skepticism about the covid jab as early as February, and the number of so-called “vaccine hesitant” individuals may be far greater. Additional polls indicate that the number of Americans unwilling to submit to experimental medical protocols may range as high as 54% to 58%.

As a result, the corporate propaganda escalated to hysterical levels. One headline from Yahoo News reads:Covid-19 Vaccine May Have Unpleasant Side Effects. That Will Mean It’s Working.A Guardian piece from February entitled “It is only a matter of time before we turn on the unvaccinated” posits that men of a certain skin color will cause poor people to suffer the highest death rates. And Cuomo appointee Tracey Edwards told New Yorkers in March to take the vaccine and “do not question what is in it.

Perhaps the most insidious of media falsehoods came in the seemingly innocuous forms of selective reporting and misleading interpretations of facts. The most reported vaccine-caused deaths in the United States overwhelmingly resulted from blood clots related to the J&J jab, but when reported, these single-digit deaths are repeatedly weighed against the millions who have received that vaccine. Far short of acknowledging the death toll recorded by the government-funded database known as the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS), mainstream media consistently focuses instead on a small handful of deaths from a single, very specific disorder. The news stories always emphasize the comparative safety of the J&J jab and seek to reassure Americans that health officials are acting out of an abundance of caution. This selective over-reporting seems calibrated to drown out the comparatively rare reports of over 4,000 deaths caused by the rest of the laundry list of vaccine-induced disorders. By constantly repeating a statistic that shows a comforting level of safety and caution, corporate mouthpieces in the media are able to obscure the risk of death from numerous other causes.

The declaration that trust in Pharma represents an extension of illiteracy, though deliberately provocative, is not meant as pejorative. Ignorance of the facts does not make one stupid; simply uninformed. However, if the absurd headlines above don’t trigger any red flags among readers, those readers would do well to update their bullshit detectors. Because knowing how to read does not make one literate any more than knowing how to sound out vowels and consonants makes one an orator. As our world continues transforming into an ever more confusing spectacle at an accelerating rate, we cannot change the media landscape or the world we live in, but we can become media literate and learn how to critically evaluate what we’re exposed to by mass media.

Media literacy is defined as a repertoire of competences that allows us to identify and evaluate the multitude of sophisticated propaganda techniques used on us every day by advertising agencies and corrupt governments. It’s the ability to read between the column inches; to tell the difference between Sponsored Content and news; to identify the manipulation techniques employed by the attention engineers and perception management teams working at the firms that brought these images before your consciousness.

To begin identifying said techniques, we can simply ask ourselves, with every piece of media we consume, “Who made this?” “Why do they want me to consume their product?” “Is it really selling what it’s advertising?” “How did this message get my attention?” “What creative techniques were used to attract my attention?” How might different people understand this message differently?” And, “Why is this message being broadcast?”

“As far as the mass of the people go, the extraordinary swings of opinion which occur nowadays, the emotions which can be turned on and off like a tap, are the result of newspaper and radio hypnosis.” ~George Orwell

It’s important to keep in mind that the status quo fib factory is owned by only 6 multinational corporations, meaning there may be more mainstream channels available, but fewer owners and therefore fewer sources of influence. They attack news organizations that publish critical stories, whistleblowers who talk, politicians who ask tough questions, and journalists who report. They mix truth and lies to convince us to dismiss everything, including the truth. They publish headlines contradicted by the articles that follow them, knowing few will ever notice. They claim to “debunk myths” that aren’t myths at all, and instead of questioning authority, they attack those who do.

To hide their overwhelming influence, this handful of conglomerates employs “astroturfing” among its methods to disguise corporate content as authentic, grass-roots efforts. Thomas Murray, president of the Hastings Center (a bioethics think tank) once stated that, “It’s ethically problematic when a company creates entities but then tries to pass them off as authentic and spontaneous grass-roots organizations. What bothers me is the deceptiveness.” A bit of digging reveals that special interests have employed astroturf camouflage for decades, publishing blogs and letters or starting social media accounts and leaving lots of comments, all of which favor the industry.

For instance, the astroturf slogan, “You’re not a medical doctor!” rippled throughout 2020 as a logically-impaired means of shutting down anyone critical of the official narrative. Forgetting for a moment that half of the country’s doctor’s were the ones expressing concerns (or that Bill Gates isn’t a doctor either). Are credentials the only metric for measuring statements? Do I need to be a licensed auto mechanic to observe unnatural noises coming from my engine? Do I have to be a licensed dietitian to read nutrition facts? If we print ingredients on food labels to help consumers avoid carcinogens like aspartame and carrageenan, why is it not so with experimental medical protocols?


Conscripting 7 billion healthy people to submit to an experimental medical treatment involving a needle-full of a DNA-altering substance that was rushed through development by some of the most corrupt corporations on the planet would be impossible without clever marketing. So Pharma spent billions deceiving the public with televised misinformation.

Dr. Angell outlines the fundamental problem regarding drug advertising:

“The huge amount of marketing also raises the question: If prescription drugs are so good, why do they need to be pushed so hard? Wouldn’t the world beat a path to the door of a company that produced, say, a cure for cancer? The answer is that truly good drugs don’t have to be promoted very much. A genuinely important new drug, such as Gleevec, sells itself.” (Angell, 133)

Of all the reasons for healthy people to be convinced to purchase a drug, “asking our doctor” if something we saw on television is “right for us” may constitute Big Pharma’s greatest trickery of all:

“Once upon a time, drug companies promoted drugs to treat diseases. Now it is often the opposite. They promote diseases to fit their drugs. Nearly everyone experiences heartburn from time to time. The remedy used to be a glass of milk or an over-the-counter antacid to relieve the symptoms. But now heartburn is called “acid reflux disease” or “gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)” and marketed, along with the drugs to treat it, as a harbinger of serious esophageal disease—which it usually is not. As a result, in 2002, Prilosec was the third best selling drug in the world (Nexium had not yet had a chance to replace it), and its competitor Prevacid was seventh.” (Angell, 86)

Maybe this helps explain why it’s immoral to entice people into medical treatments, either by offering high school students a chance to win an electric bike as Missoula County Public Schools have done, or coercing the poor with “vaccine lotteries” as Ohio’s Governor Mike DeWine has done.

Perhaps Governor DeWine missed an important opportunity to display unusual medical candor when he neglected to compare his lottery to Shirley Jackson’s classic dystopian short story “The Lottery”. In DeWine’s lottery, one member of the community is randomly selected each week as the winner of a million dollar prize, but how many citizens that sign up for experimental injection will be randomly selected as “the winner” of a rare blood clot, debilitating auto-immune disease, miscarriage or death?

Other bribes offered by local and state government to entice people into this experiment include Shake Shack Burgers, Krispy Kreme Donuts, and $50 gift cards.


Beyond the question of whether manipulating participants into medical experimentation under false pretenses violates the hypocratic oath, aren’t unprovoked discussions about vaccinations just as inappropriate for polite conversation as your last annual exam, pap smear, or colonoscopy? Do employers understand that any discussion one way or the other about this clearly violates HIPPA guidelines and opens up a massive door for potential lawsuit?

Legal precedent to those ends is already being set. New Mexico Detention Center officer Isaac Legaretta filed the first US lawsuit over mandatory covid vaccines on the first of March 2021. His attorney Ana Garner told Bloomberg News: “You can’t be forced to be a human guinea pig. We have the right to bodily integrity.”

May we please remind all those who are “just following orders” that Nazi officers who offered up the same pathetic excuse at Nuremberg were executed for crimes against humanity? The last time humans launched a plan like this to conduct experimental medical protocols on vulnerable populations was in Auschwitz where Joseph “angel of death” Mengele conducted medical experimentation focused primarily on children with no regard for the health or safety of his victims. In the end, many of the doctors who committed said human experiments on behalf of the Third Reich were put on trial in Nuremberg and subsequently executed.

With the adoption of the 1947 Nuremberg Code, humanity hoped to never repeat these sins of history ever again. The Code may be the most important legal document in the history of medical research ethics, as it established ten principles upon which clinical research could be presumed to be “ethical”. The first and foremost principle declares “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential”. It prohibits research to be conducted on human beings without the informed consent of the individual. As recently as 2009, the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals in the Southern District of New York cited the Nuremberg Code as: “the universally accepted norm in customary international law regarding nonconsensual medical experimentation.”

To quote human rights attorney Leigh Dundas, the covid ‘vaccine’ represents an experimental medical protocol that was authorized under the Emergency Use Authorization Act, and killed every last ferret in the final animal study performed by the industry. Based on said mortality rates of ferrets in animal trials, Dr. Christiane Northrup estimates a maximum life expectancy of 2 years in humans following administration of this experimental medical protocol. Former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Yeadon also warns that booster shots are completely unnecessary and represent tools of mass murder.

Many of the test animals that died, perished a result of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) acquired from the vaccine. When the animal’s immune systems were challenged with the virus they were supposed to be immunized from, their immune systems were unable to identify it. So like a Trojan horse, the virus entered the body unseen by the immune system and began replicating unchecked, eventually overwhelming the host with fatal sepsis and cardiac failure. This is what is meant by “vaccine enhanced disease,” wherein vaccinated people experience more severe illness when exposed to the virus they were supposedly vaccinated against.


Subjecting healthy people to this medical experiment seems highly unnecessary given that, according to the CDC’s best estimate, the virus yields a 99.5 percent survival rate for those under 70 years old. That hasn’t stopped establishment figures from haranguing the “hesitant” with a deluge of ad hominem attacks aimed toward “anti-science grandma killers” who constitute the real reason we can’t get society moving forward again. This demographic may ultimately be blamed indefinitely for anything that goes wrong for years to come. Indeed, Kit Knightly recently revealed how the CDC are manipulating data explicitly to hide breakthrough cases and blame unvaccinated for “outbreaks”. We’re all told that unless we agree to get injected, we should be forced to stay inside our homes forever. But that’s precisely backwards. We shouldn’t be altering our entire society to cater exclusively to its weakest, most fragile members, while clipping the wings of everyone else. If pathological hypochondriacs are afraid to come outside, they’re welcome to stay home.

Questioning the motives of Big Pharma does not make one an “anti-vaxxer” any more than questioning America’s imperial wars makes one anti-American. Anti-vaxxers are against vaccines in principal, discounting any potential good; an extreme just as illogical as automatically placing trust into any of Pharma’s products. This takes into account the fact that Merriam-Webster very recently expanded its definition of “anti-vaxxer” to include “people who oppose laws that mandate vaccination.” But given that a December poll found only 21% of Americans in support of vaccine mandates, deductively this means that 79% of Americans are now, according to Merriam-Webster, anti-vaxxers.

But Pharma’s astroturfers loudly decry that the only people questioning the legitimacy and safety of this vaccine rollout are supporters of Qanonsense, who must be Trump voters, and thus, white supremacists by extension (or Russian agents, or whatever useful pejorative is in fashion at the time) and therefore deplorable people that we can all agree need to be rounded up and placed into joy camps for reeducation. Unfortunately, there are people who actually believe this line of logic, despite the fact that none of the aforementioned European officials halting the rollout ever voted for Donald Trump or give a rat’s rear end about the letter Q. This is nothing more than the anti-logic of anti-intellectuals who refuse to think for themselves and resent those who do.

History will vindicate the cautious because it has never paid to rush into unfamiliar situations without performing due diligence. Hurrying into this experiment seems particularly ill advised when weighed against the personalities waging it, their own claims about what it does, and the observable “side effects” that have begun to follow as a result. It should surprise no one that the pharmaceutical companies are willing to kill people with dangerous products to turn a profit, but as long as the regulatory agencies remain dominated by Pharma, they can always fool somebody into buying their toxic products. Whether this information will ever reach the public at large remains an open question. The fact that most people remain blissfully unaware that literally billions of masks are ending up in the oceans so millions of hysterical humans can delude themselves with a false sense of security illustrates how difficult it is to express anything consequential in a media landscape dominated exclusively by “pleasant things”.

Social media, while initially aimed toward connecting people together, has instead isolated individuals within custom-tailored bubbles of content and connection that are free from any disagreement, difference of opinion, or compromise with others. But learning has never had anything to do with agreement, and pretending it does severely limits our capabilities. If everyone had to agree about everything all the time nobody would ever learn anything. And if we can’t agree on what is true, it becomes impossible to navigate through any of society’s problems. As Jeff Flake contended in The Social Dilemma, “tribalism is no way for sane adults to act.” Because in the end the polarization of the population creates two sides that both want the other dead.

Marcia Angell excerpts adapted from The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us And What To Do About It, New York, Random House, 2004.

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